Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here's a picture of a tree and some flowers that my husband did. Click it for large version.


Happy New Year

We brought home a honker for Christmas this year. Hes blue, fuzzy, and very cute. He also loves milk duds, but doesn't call them by name instead they are just called "yums"


Monday, December 14, 2009

New Tricks 2

I'm finishing up my homework for tonight and decided to have one more post. I really like the way this turned out. Its a sketch transferred into illustrator, live traced, then live paint. then I expanded the image and ungrouped the segments. Then I took the ungrouped color segments and moved each one, stretching them diagonally to the right causing each to be a little off center and ta da this is the finished product.


New Tricks

I'm taking a graphic design class right now and just recently learned how to used Adobe Illustrator's live trace and live paint features for class I decided to submit one of the drawings I had already done. Heres the finished product.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I am starting a new project. I have always been interested in children's art and a few weeks ago I decided to start practicing. This is my first effort. I am fairly new at using watercolors and the ones I am currently using are not of a very good quality but they will work for now. I plan on using Watercolor Wednesday and Illustration Friday as sources for inspiration but if I can't think of anything I am going to go through the alphabet which is where I got the idea for these cute little ants.


I was a very shy kid and I would always hide behind my dad's legs whenever we were out in public. He was tall but to me he seemed even taller. I got the idea for this sketch from watercolor wednesday. Last weeks theme was to create a child or animal character. So I made a caricature of myself as a child.